Saturday, March 15, 2014

Boulevard of Broken Glass

There are tons of apartments cropping up like mushrooms on my street. The silver lining is the large amount of free wood, provided you don't mind odd sizes.

I was inspired to start making little buildings, and a village started to form: a house of pearls, both freshwater and vintage, experiments with patina paint, and a horseshoe I found on an afternoon with my work cohort; a silver glass house made of bus shelter glass gilded in silver, a house with bricks of copper foiled glass and a key; a landscape-on-house.

this will be a continuing series. It's the antithesis of those horrid little holiday villages people put under their Christmas trees. 3-D, but only front sides are detailed. Sides are painted or gilded. Sizes vary: 3"-5" x 6"-10"

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