Thursday, December 12, 2013

Tattooed by Life

The FuturePast style. Is it old? Is it new? Is it sacred? (yes)

Copper foil accented with gold pigment painted glass. I like the juxtaposition of the shine/matte.
Sculpy Scarab in Art-Deco style @ center with halo of vintage and fresh water pearls. On found, round wood piece.

Monday, December 9, 2013

I changed my mind (a mermaid piece)

I changed my mind. I made this for the newly married couple, and it belongs to them. I will get to spend a long weekend staring at it, and give it to them on Tuesday. (*if you are reading this for the first time, I originally called this post 'conundrum', and was being selfish and wanted to keep this for myself.)

Shells, white coral, freshwater seed/rice/round pearls, a few vintage faux pearls,  pre-ban antique red coral, windshield glass, silver foil on gold painted found wood piece. 5" x 8"

Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Just a blue sky with a butterfly.
Found wood with gouges. Blue windshield glass gilded with silver/gold foil. Monet gold tone/rhinestone butterfly brooch (broken).

Thanks to whomever thought this pretty enough to post on FB; hello strangers: look around-- there is lots of great found glass collage work here.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Roses, because it is (almost) winter

Cigar box. Paper roses on outside and inside of lid, inside" collage of glass, broken jewelry, metal,  wood, buttons, keys, chandelier bits and other found objects inside.

The oxidation of foil on glass is fascinating-- lower left rectangular chandelier piece: a Blue Valentine in my rose garden.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Future Past Series #1

Silver foil gilded blue windshield glass, silver filigree skeleton key, on silver pigment painted found wood.
Simplicity can be so wonderfully intricate and intense.

"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars."--Oscar Wilde

Monday, November 4, 2013

Between the Bars

Josephine Apartment series with mesh, broken jewelery, glass of all sorts (found), metal, plastic. The gold pigment, which the wood is painted with, is closer to the outside photos than the indoor. Some repairs had to be made, so the pieces do differ, slightly, from indoor to outdoor.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

coup de grâce

Final finished piece from the "Josephine Apartments" series. There are at least 2 more part of this series, one begun before leaving, one created post. At least 2 are not yet on the blog, so, a total of 11 pieces.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


It's the hope/promise of the first flower to poke its brave head through the snow.

12" x 12"
frosted pink scalloped Tiffany depression glass
Bus shelter glass
safety glass
stained glass scraps
silver foil

Friday, July 19, 2013


New work with metal mesh, clock bits, butterfly looking glass, trimet bus shelter glass, windshield glass, silver and gold foiled, silver pigment, chandelier bits, broken jewelry.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The queen aint no bitch...

Mixed glass, mixed foils, some plastic bits, and a queen from a glass chess set. I like this.
* the title is taken from this scene from The Wire:

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Documentation: thanks for the information

A piece being documented during creation; "...if it's worth the going, it's worth the ride". Roughly 7.5 inches x 10 inch wood, painted red w acrylic, painted with gilding adhesive:

Once this dries,  a layer of silver foil over the adhesive. Pieces of glass, as well as garnets from a broken bracelet and pieces from a ca 1920s chandelier painted with adhesive and foiled.

Glass from trimet bus shelters, windows, etc, painted with adhesive and gilded in silver:

Pieces begin to go together:

(turns out this is upside down, but I did not realize it until later)

up close, turned right side up, just the silver part- red is still exposed @ edges.

mores pieces added. Still a lot of work left.


Started working with long, 1mm sticks of glass, making radiant lines and adding a different type of movement.

Now, it is finished, save repainting the red border. I never would have guessed I would have kept the red border, but I was taking the color on as an issue. The border is wider, but the glue and foil residue are really irritating me, so I cropped them out. The final piece will be photographed and posted. Documenting my process is really tiresome; no wonder I have never bothered!  These photos also prove that my work just does not photograph well--the depth and the facets are lost, and it seems to capture anything negative and magnifies.

Noble Rot building piece

This piece is on the corner of SE 11th and Burnside. 6ft tall x 4.5 ft wide. Gilded glass on wood painted with gold pigment.