Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Ma Vie En Orange (carnival)

Here, I take orange on as an issue. It is not a color I lean towards in my personal spaces/clothing and I rarely use it in my work.

Multi-media collage, as per usual. On found wood, painted with chrome paint, haloed in silver pigment. This is one of the larger newer pieces.         16 x 24 inches or so.

Monday, January 20, 2014

(red roses for a) blue lady

I like this best of recent kind. Broke my favorite perfume's bottle, quite by accident, and used its wonderful blue painted glass as a central medium for this piece. The blue is less intense in person, but still painted blue through clear glass. Opaque black glass scraps from a friend's art work, windshield glass, found glass, jewelry pieces . Silver pigment around edge.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

"The house where nobody lives"

Last piece in the Josephine Apt. series, "The house where nobody lives" (leave the key in the slot). House of gilded glass, plastic, broken jewelry, wire
set on a triangle of found wood. Background is painted in gold pigment, interference violet pigment, topped with gold foil, textured with fishnet. Keys. Glass. 2nd photo is close up before layering of foil.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Lily Pad and Water

I enjoy touchstone pieces, the imagistic ones done several times throughout one's career. The lilypad and water is one of such pieces for me. Japanese simplicity from gold gilded beer bottles, silver windshield glass, Japanese glass float pieces, and other found glass. center piece is a large pearlescent jewelry piece. JAS piece.
12" x 12"

Sunday, January 12, 2014


I take a lot of guff for using Catholic iconography, but, though I left that org a long time ago, I still dig the Saints. It is my take on an art history staple.
Plus, I found this plastic, and it looks like a Virgin, kind of like the Jesus on grilled cheese, except not. I used varegaited gilding foil to highlight the figure, leaving the face and hands clear.
trim is from a 1940s sweater, metal and pearls. Cross above is made of rusty nails, cloud below figure is made of vintage shell buttons, vintage velvet violets, rusted metal, and beads. The found wood is weathered with peeling paint, which gives the piece that old/new feeling I love.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

pay attention to purple

More newish work. I like purple and green together.

Final piece, updated. Now with more purple!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Portland en Bleu

I haven't posted any new work lately, but this one made me really happy, so I am bothering. Glass scraps from a friend's fused glass class, windshield glass, errant jewelry, broken chandelier bits on silver pigment painted found wood. This one is on display@ my work, as someone bought it, and I wanted time with is before she comes to pick it up.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Pâte de Verre Skull

I took a class to make a glass sugar skull, using the pâte de verre technique: packing molds with frit, kiln fired. I didn't particularly enjoy the rushed class, and it was after a particularly arduous work day, but I love the final product. This is not a found art piece.

These were to be Dia de los Muertos painted sugar skulls, but they didn't give us much time, nor the greatest of tools, to do the detail work. Alas, especially in painting, I am a perfectionist, so, after washing my mold out twice, I chose to use a color instead of white. Cotton candy pink, of course. The teeth don't show in the photos, but are there. See the side view to note how thin this is, the lacy edge, the nearly transparent eye sockets.
It was fun to try something different, and I really enjoyed magpie-ing the scraps outside, which have already made an appearance in the last piece I posted. The color in the 2nd and 3rd photo are almost exact.

This will become a larger piece, in memory of my sister, who died when we were children.

"C'est seulement pour toujours, peu de temps du tout"

"It's only forever
Not long at all"-- Bowie/Labyrinth

Glass. Plastic.Gold/silver/electric blue/Black and white cocktail dish from the '50s
the close up silver field has gold backed glass and blue windshield glass breaking it up, single cube style.

24" x 24"
(originally added wrong image)