Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Pâte de Verre Skull

I took a class to make a glass sugar skull, using the pâte de verre technique: packing molds with frit, kiln fired. I didn't particularly enjoy the rushed class, and it was after a particularly arduous work day, but I love the final product. This is not a found art piece.

These were to be Dia de los Muertos painted sugar skulls, but they didn't give us much time, nor the greatest of tools, to do the detail work. Alas, especially in painting, I am a perfectionist, so, after washing my mold out twice, I chose to use a color instead of white. Cotton candy pink, of course. The teeth don't show in the photos, but are there. See the side view to note how thin this is, the lacy edge, the nearly transparent eye sockets.
It was fun to try something different, and I really enjoyed magpie-ing the scraps outside, which have already made an appearance in the last piece I posted. The color in the 2nd and 3rd photo are almost exact.

This will become a larger piece, in memory of my sister, who died when we were children.

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