Saturday, January 24, 2015

"These Streets Will Never Look The Same"

More geometric stylings in a cool color palette.
Has a certain musicality and reminds me of a cityscape without being representational or on purpose. Glass scraps from Bullseye: iridescent, fused, slumped. I don't cut the glass, it is used as found, these are the things that would be thrown away or recycled.

Gilded with silver foil on silver gilded board. 12" x 12".. I liked the straight/almost straight lines and the colors: from electric blue to deep purple to cobalt, to green, to sky blue marbled in white, like a cut of sky.I wish I could capture the colors better-- for example, the rectangle above the golden one is a spectacular deep blue-green, but it looks black, no matter how I photograph it.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

"Come Undone"

The main color in this piece is copper, but it looks gold in photos. Abstract with heavy black shapes. My lovely friend gifted me with a box of her scraps from Bullseye Glass classes, and we magpied some from the BEG building, after the class we took together in December. 

The jumping off point was the milky glass with green iridescent and pink through out, and black lines. Bits of vintage jewelry, bus shelter glass, milk glass,  beads, buttons. A really great cross with green/red/amber rhinestones weights the bottom/side. This collage brings back music from the 80s for me, both the culture's experience, and my own personal favorites. On wood. 12" x 12", like an LP.


Sunday, January 11, 2015


Simple intensity: Textured red and orange glass scraps from Bullseye Glass on gold pigment treated  distressed found wood.

from a new series in a new direction. I am not sure I should even have posted it, but I've been up all night working on art, and this one was ready to be photographed.

I should take another photo. The pigment and acrylic gel have reacted and made an interesting blue aura around the glass, which you can see the beginnings of in this photo. It's more obvious and gives the piece really great depth.