Sunday, December 30, 2012


I am not sure if this is finished, but I like the monochromatic industrial look of it right now. At first, I was concerned by my subdued palette, but I ended up really loving it.

The close up shots are of a plate that was my paternal great grandmother's. During the original Great Depression, plates and cups were given away with oatmeal. Beautiful white glass, opaque in places, raised floral designs, see through lines. So elegant to the modern eye, but considered a "freebie" at the time. Alas, they are also very fragile, and this one did not make a move. With gold leaf gilding it, the reaction behind the glass reminds me of moss.

Also contains a large metal nut, found outside of my work on a walk to get away, glass from bus shelters, silver foil, some beads, and a 1930s faux ivory piece. Various metal bits, chandelier glass, buttons, pearls, rhinestones. On found wood from one of the dozen or so cookie cutter apartment buildings going up on my street. One, I found out with this morning, blocks out most of my
ability to see the mountains and sunsets from my front yard. Ah, gentrification!