Saturday, June 23, 2012

Prison Panties!

Years ago (likely in 1998, given the stamp on the pants), I found these, discarded in a gutter near the Greyhound station in old town. It was pouring, but I picked them up with a stick, taking them home to boil them. They've languished in a box for over a decade. I mounted them in a box that looks like it could have been made in a prison workshop with industrial push pins. Apparently, these are no longer issued, so they are a collector's item of sorts. I can only imagine the woman who shed these, post release, tossing them into the gutter as a final "Eff YOU!" to Portland, Or., as she prepared to board a bus out of town. Ah, when old town was sleazy! *I do realize they are jail panties, but I am a sucker for alliteration.

 I don't usually do found art, but this was too good to not complete. Thanks to C & J for convincing me (with gin) to make this, finally. X

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