Friday, June 29, 2012

Finally Finished this piece!

I posted the beginnings of this almost exactly 2 years ago. I finished it a few nights ago, basically just outlining some more silver foiled blue glass and painting with 3 shades of gold pigment on wood. I love the broken corner, and the intricate bead work, each placed on separately. 20" x 12" found wood background.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Seascape with Scallop Shell

Found wood, painted with gold pigment. Windshield glass gilded with silver foil. Freshwater and vintage pearls, scallop shell. 2012

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Prison Panties!

Years ago (likely in 1998, given the stamp on the pants), I found these, discarded in a gutter near the Greyhound station in old town. It was pouring, but I picked them up with a stick, taking them home to boil them. They've languished in a box for over a decade. I mounted them in a box that looks like it could have been made in a prison workshop with industrial push pins. Apparently, these are no longer issued, so they are a collector's item of sorts. I can only imagine the woman who shed these, post release, tossing them into the gutter as a final "Eff YOU!" to Portland, Or., as she prepared to board a bus out of town. Ah, when old town was sleazy! *I do realize they are jail panties, but I am a sucker for alliteration.

 I don't usually do found art, but this was too good to not complete. Thanks to C & J for convincing me (with gin) to make this, finally. X