Wednesday, June 18, 2014

waltz #2

Inspired by the thick, lush black line work of comic books and their predecessors, woodcuts, I've attempted that saturated line with pieces of black broken glass, set, cube by cube to highlight, define and give a boldness to the disparate  pieces: cocktail glass, windshield glass, and fluted pieces from a frilly serving dish. Glass gilded in silver or gold foil. Clear glass tubes are backed with gold foil, on gold leafed panel painted with oxblood latex paint.

close up of centre
In progress

Thursday, June 5, 2014

PDX Tree (RIP)

Tree. (I've changed Dates so this appears later in the timeline).

Update: This piece has become most poignant to me. The house next to mine is being torn down to build a concrete monstrosity. That, alone, is sad. What is heartbreaking? Losing 2 100+ year old trees and an ancient Camellia.  Seriously tragic. I found out that the builder had only to pay 2400 dollars to chop them down. I am sure they will sell of slices of the trunks and recoup their cost, so the people who rent the concrete monstrosities can use them as coffee tables.

Copper gilded clear glass trunk, abstract pieces of green glass, scraps from stained glass, scraps of stained glass wreaths, buttons, beads form the leaves. Background of antiqued paint, gold pigment. Clear stained glass scraps backed in silver and gold complete. More representational than anything I've done in some time.
I love the composition. On found wood. The violet under-painting is not visible in person. 11 x 45"
In memory of all the lovely trees on SE Division being felled to make way for densely packed apartments.